Creating new Dashlets based on default

Here are the steps to create new dashlet based on SugarCRM’s OOB dashlet.

In this blog, we are extending My Open Tasks dashlet to show Tasks until NOW.

Steps are as below,

Step 1: Copy modules/Tasks/Dashlets/MyTasksDashlet to custom/modules/Tasks/Dashlets folder. Rename MyTasksDashlet folder to MyTasksUntilNowDashlet.

Step 2: Go to custom/modules/Tasks/Dashlets/MyTasksUntilNowDashlet/

Rename to
Rename MyTasksDashlet.meta.php to MyTasksUntilNowDashlet.meta.php
Rename MyTasksDashlet.php to MyTasksUntilNowDashlet.php

Step 3: Open custom/modules/Tasks/Dashlets/MyTasksUntilNowDashlet/

Find and replace MyTasksDashlet to MyTasksUntilNowDashlet

Step 4:  Open custom/modules/Tasks/Dashlets/MyTasksUntilNowDashlet/MyTasksUntilNowDashlet.meta.php

Find and replace MyTasksDashlet to MyTasksUntilNowDashlet


Step 5: Open custom/modules/Tasks/Dashlets/MyTasksUntilNowDashlet/MyTasksUntilNowDashlet.php

Find and replace MyTasksDashlet to MyTasksUntilNowDashlet

Step 6: Lets guide Sugar to take new path

Step 7: Lets now add custom functionality.

Add following function in the class

function process($lvsParams = array()) {
        global $timedate, $current_user;
        $format = $timedate->get_date_time_format($current_user);
        $dbformat = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime(date($format)));
// MYSQL database
        $lvsParams['custom_where'] = ' AND DATE_FORMAT(tasks.date_start, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s") <= "'.  $dbformat.'" ';
        // MSSQL 
// $lvsParams['custom_where'] = " AND REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, tasks.date_start,111),'/','-') = '".$dbformat."')";

Step 8:
Lets now change label of the Dashlet to know which is new dashlet we just created.
Create/Open custom/modules/Tasks/language/en_us.lang.php and add following line

$mod_strings['LBL_LIST_MY_TASKS_UNTIL_NOW'] = 'My Open Tasks until now';

Change the name which suits you more.

Step 9: Go to Admin > Repair > Quick Repair and Rebuild. Go to Home > Add dashlet and you should see the new dashlet there.

Hope it works as easy as it was while writing.

Just to make life easier pasting the final look of the main class file.
I.e. custom/modules/Tasks/Dashlets/MyTasksUntilNowDashlet/MyTasksUntilNowDashlet.php


if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) die('Not A Valid Entry Point');


class MyTasksUntilNowDashlet extends DashletGeneric {

    function MyTasksUntilNowDashlet($id, $def = null) {

        parent::DashletGeneric($id, $def);

        if (empty($def['title']))
            $this->title = translate('LBL_LIST_MY_TASKS', 'Tasks');

        $this->searchFields = $dashletData['MyTasksUntilNowDashlet']['searchFields'];
        $this->columns = $dashletData['MyTasksUntilNowDashlet']['columns'];
        $this->seedBean = new Task();

    function process($lvsParams = array()) {
        global $timedate, $current_user;
        $format = $timedate->get_date_time_format($current_user);
        $dbformat = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime(date($format)));
// MYSQL database
        $lvsParams['custom_where'] = ' AND DATE_FORMAT(tasks.date_start, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s") <= "'.  $dbformat.'" ';
        // MSSQL 
// $lvsParams['custom_where'] = " AND REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, tasks.date_start,111),'/','-') = '".$dbformat."')";


Note :

P.S. Comment out MySQL Query and uncomment MSSql query if you are using MSSQL database.

Hope you find this blog post helpful.

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