Display more than 10 records in SQS search.

SugarCRM by default displays 10 records as a search result after SQS. As an example, we take Opportunities module with after_ui_frame logic hook.

Steps are as below,

Step 1 : Create logic hook entry as follows

$hook_array['after_ui_frame'] = Array();
$hook_array['after_ui_frame'][] = Array(5, 'Change SQS result records', 'custom/modules/Opportunities/logic_hooks/changeSQSRecordCount.php', 'changeSQSRecordCountC','changeSQSRecordCountF');

Step 2 : Open custom/modules/Opportunities/logic_hooks/changeSQSRecordCount.php and write following code into it.

class changeSQSRecordCountC
    function changeSQSRecordCountF()
        echo "<script language='javascript'>YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.maxResultsDisplayed=20;</script>";
Before Customization
After Customization

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