Increse number of records into SubPanel ListView

We have increased the number of records that is shown in a subpanel for a custom module.

It will be done by simple steps,

Step 1: create file in custom/modules/<desired_module> view.detail.php and add below code.

if(!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) die('Not A Valid Entry Point');


class View<desired_view_name> extends ViewDetail {

	function View<desired_view_name>(){
	function display() {
	        $sugar_config['list_max_entries_per_subpanel'] = '100';


But when We deleted a record from the subpanel it jumps back to displaying just 10 records.

Any idea how to get round this? I know its using ajax to do the delete but not sure what to look at. For tackle this we need add below code

Step 2: Copy your include/SubPanel/SubPanel.php file to custom/ include/SubPanel/SubPanel.php and find this line $ListView->records_per_page = $sugar_config [‘list_max_entries_per_subpanel’] + 0; and add below code before it:

if($this->parent_module == '<desired_module>'){
     $sugar_config['list_max_entries_per_subpanel']  = '100';

Note :

Here, <desired_module> means the module name you see in the URL, for example, Contacts, Leads, etc.
Here, <
YOUR_SUBPANEL_NAME> means your subpanel name.

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